The Mission and Vision of St. Clare Catholic School propel the teachers, students, parents/guardians, and Parish community into a virute and values-based education.
The purpose of a Standards-aligned curriculum is to provide a consistently strong and stable learning environment for all of our students.
The St. Clare School Administration, Faculty, and Staff strive for excellence in creating safe, engaging, and faith-filled learning spaces for each of our students and families.
The smaller class sizes of our Catholic School allow for more individualized attention and teachers are able to facilitate learning interventions more efficiently.
Together, our school community seeks to pray, study, and serve so that our students and families are stronger in their faith and for the future.
1. Religion
2. Math
3. Science
4. Social Studies
5. Language Arts: English, Creative Writing, Grammar, Reading, Phonics, Spelling, and Handwriting.
*Additionally, students will have exposure to technology and computer skills through Google Education Suite, Chromebooks, IXL, Typing, and Project Lead the Way.
1)Art - Grades K-8
2) Physical Education: Grades 4K-8 and Health Grades 5-8
3) Music: Grades K-8
4) Spanish
*Additionally, students are supported by an on-site specialists for math, reading, and speech at least 1-2 times/week.
We are also working on finalizing logistics for the 2023-2024 school year for counseling supports in partnership with the Diocese of Green Bay Department of Catholic Charities.
"Though common today, the STREAM acronym has evolved over the past two decades. STEM as an acronym (representing science, technology, engineering, and math) was first used in the year 2001. And then, it became STEAM. The insertion of the “A” represents the arts, which some critics felt was a vital component missing from STEM. The addition of the “R” to STEAM to become STREAM sometimes represents reading. But for Catholic schools, the “R” represents religion, a subject at the heart of a Catholic education" (Sadlier Publishing).
St. Clare Catholic School offers STREAM curriculum units for all students in grades Pre-K through eighth. Students communicate, collaborate, and strategize ways solve problems. This is done through a stable, safe, and empowering learning environment that:
1) Promotes the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Gospel
2) Honors students' talents, abilities, and creativity
3) Promotes proficiency and excellence
4) Investigates complex questions and current local, national, and global topics
5) Develops practical solutions to authentic challenges
6) Supports deep understanding of content knowledge
7) Advances a student's comprehension, soft-skills, and critical thinking.
Science, Technology/Engineering, Religion, English/Language Arts & Engineering, Art, & Math = STREAM